Thursday, December 6, 2012

When is Enough, Enough?

You see it.  You gotta have it.  It's no longer a want, it's a necessity.  We try to explain the logic to our significant others just like a child explaining the logic of having an XBox 360 AND a PS3.  Sometimes it works and we get that "look and a sigh" that we think is complete surrender, but really says "You're a doofus, but your MY doofus.".  We gratefully accept our Doofusdom and proceed directly to our favorite firearms merchant and plunk down our currency in exchange for the "last firearm I'll ever buy.  I promise!" firearm.

Why do we always need another gun?  What is it that compels some of us to throw logic and practicality out the window when it comes to buying our favorite sporting good?  Is there some magic dust that the manufacturers sprinkle over their products that causes us to become addicts?  I mean, it's not like buying a pair of shoes.

I think that guys have always like things that go "BOOM".  For instance, most guys like to bowl, and there are few things more satisfying that seeing those pins collapse with that resounding crash that only a strike can produce.  We also like mechanical things, and a firearm is a compact feat of mechanical engineering.  Combine the two, and a gun becomes an irresistible thing of beauty to own and behold.  I'm not saying that some women aren't into the same things, but the overwhelming majority of Mechanical Boom Producer Lovers are guys.

Then there is the Buddy Factory.  What's the Buddy Factor?  Well, if you have a buddy that you shoot guns with, chances are that you don't both own the exact same models.  He'll have some that you don't own and vice-versa.  You know where I'm going with this.  He lets you shoot his latest purchase.  You like it.  You don't have one.  Now, you HAVE to have one.  I mean, you can't go borrowing your buddy's gun every time you want to shoot it.  There's etiquette to consider here.  Even Martha Stewart would agree with me, so my wife should be fine with this.  On top of that, you can't get the exact same gun because that would be just uncool.  No, you have to get the next model up from your buddy's gun.  It's a never ending cycle.

Let's be honest.  We really don't NEED another gun.  We WANT another gun, or guns.  All you really need is a good shotgun, a home defense handgun, a concealed carry gun, a bolt action hunting rifle, a lever action rifle, a backup shotgun, a second home defense handgun for your wife, a .22 pistol for practice, a .22 rifle for practice, an AR platform rifle because they're cool, an AK variant rifle to complement the AR platform rifle, a double action (DA) revolver, a single action (SA) revolver, a DA/SA pistol, a SA pistol, a classic WWII rifle from each participating country's army, each in varying calibers.  So see, we really don't need that many guns.  Do we?  Now I need to go and complete my collection.

1 comment:

  1. It has to do with the fact their are so many great guns out their and will continue to have great guns made that will need to buy. It a great addiction to have.
